introduction of 'Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master' for Japanese



ヒマラヤの師と共にーその④ 修行と結婚 2019,7-3

''Babaji, I have a serious problem. My parents might find a girl and try to get me married. What shall I do?'' ''Don't worry, nothing will work out, but I was just going to tell you, that it is Sri Guru's wish that you eventually marry, ha…

ヒマラヤの師と共にーその③ シルディのサイババ 2019,7-2

He lived in Shirdi for many years, working innumerable miracles and wiping out the sorrows of all who came to him.....He died on October 15, 1918. Before He died, he said that he would be in Shirdi even after the body dies, and will speak …

ヒマラヤの師と共にーその② ババジの子供だな!ニーム・カローリ・ババ 2019,07

Watching the scene from a distance, I wondered if he would even notice an insignificant new arrival like me. I was wrong. Suddenly, he craned his neck and looked at me. His eyes widend. I helt something like an electric shock going up my n…

ヒマラヤの師と共にーその① シュリー・グル・ババジ 2019,06

Trekking through Pandukhali, where the locals believe the Pandavas lived a while in exile, I scrambled down a rocky hill and reached the cave. There was no one threre. I was absolutely still and serene inside the cave. Sitting in the cave …